•   Email Librarian:   library@cma.edu.jm   (reply will be given within 24-48 hours)
  •     |    
  •   Talk to a Librarian:   +1 (876) 926-8121 ext. 6090

About the Library

  • about
  • the
  • library


To positively impact military schools, with access to readily available information for thought-provoking research, enquires and high-quality learning opportunities.


To become the premier Military library which promotes intellectual growth and creativity through continuous reinvention with a focus on information and activities that benefit learning and research? Our aim is to meet the needs of present and future generations of students by preserving materials which will provide access to information and resources; also teaching critical evaluation skills by offering research assistance.

Library Regulations

The Library aims to provide an environment conducive to study and reflection. To achieve this goal, all members of the Library staff are authorized to require users to adhere to the Library’s rules and regulations. The Campus Librarian may exclude from the Library, or suspend from its use, any reader who breaks these rules. Serious or persistent breaches may be reported to the President or Vice President.

All users are required to behave considerately and to respect the study needs of others. Users must not mark, deface or damage library materials, furniture and fittings in the Library building. Users will be liable for any loss of, or damage to, books or other items while in their charge. Any loss or damage must be reported immediately to a member the of Library staff. Photography and filming in the Library are allowed only where prior written permission from the Librarian has been given. Absolutely no eating and drinking is allowed in the Library

  • No book must be taken out of the Library until the loan has been recorded on the Library system.
  • Borrowers are responsible for all items issued to them. This responsibility ends only when the item has been recorded as returned on the Library system.
  • All books on the open shelves may be borrowed except those temporarily or permanently confined to the Library (Reserved Collection).
  • Books and other loanable items must be returned no later than the due date. Fines will be charged on books and other loanable items kept overdue, as indicated and at such rates as may from time to time be determined.
  • Users with outstanding fines or overdue items may not be allowed to borrow further books or other loanable items or use library facilities until the fines are paid and books are returned or renewed. The Librarian shall have power to remit or reduce fines in any particular case.
  • Books which are already on loan may be reserved by another borrower. When returned, reserved books will be available for collection for a limited period only.

The Caribbean Military Academy includes the current students, faculty, and staff of the Academy as well as all other servicemembers. All other visitors may have access to the CMA Libraries as described below:

As a visitor to the CMA Libraries, you have limited access to Library resources. Limited access is defined as onsite usage of print collections and unique digital collections. You must abide by Jamaica Defence Force security regulations which govern access to Camp.

The Librarian approves visits. Submit an email to library@cma.edu.jm with the date, time, and purpose of your visit. Visits are only approved for a specific date, time, and purpose. Open, unlimited access will not be approved. University activities and prior commitments also impact the approval of visits.

The Libraries will be open during such periods of the year and during such hours as may from time to time be prescribed:

    Day                             Library Open
  • Monday-Friday   0745-1800
  • Saturday                 0900-1600
  • Sunday                     0900-1600